Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Time to throw n clear my thing;) too many!!!

The shoe some is new ! I haven wear;) Dan throw lo!!! N the two big bag clothes is pass to my sis ;) hahaha

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Today crazy shopping with my fren!! Happy happy ;)

candy yiyi xmas present for elena=)
i love the shoe!!!!steve madden
i love this dress pant=)
present for dear eric
shop until crazy!!!!

Friday, December 2, 2011

My fav green



很期待圣诞节的到来!很多节目的到来!老公阿牛的生日是28/12 都很靠近!1月1日都齐在一起;)哈哈!很开心!很快!一年又一年就这样过!哈哈!圣诞礼物以准备好了!